Liv Life Liverpool Weight Management Service
Please ask at Surgery for referral
Liv Life Liverpool
Liv Life Liverpool is a tier 2 healthy weight service that is available to support adults including pregnant women, families – parents/carers and children in Liverpool to achieve a healthy weight and improve their health and wellbeing.
Support for adults will include one-to-one coaching, "Weigh & Stay" groups and Slimming World.
Coach-Led Sessions will be available for Children, Young People, and Families including group and one-to-one sessions covering various topics related to healthy living.
Eligibility criteria for coach led support:
- Children aged 5-17yrs (up to 25yrs if SEND, and people who have ever been in care);
- BMI centile ≥98th centile
- Family must be resident in Liverpool and/or child attends a school in Liverpool
**Support takes a family approach and eligible children must attend sessions with a parent/carer.
Please note: Exclusion criteria for children, young people and families healthy
weight service:
- In receipt of treatment for an eating disorder;
- Have an underlying medical cause for obesity and would benefit from more intensive clinical management than a typical Tier 2 service can provide;
- Have more complex needs requiring specialist support as identified by their GP or other healthcare professionals;
- Not resident in Liverpool
FREE weight management support is also available for adults including 12 weeks FREE Slimming World access. Eligibility criteria for adults:
- Aged ≥16 years;
- BMI between ≥ 25 kg/m2 (or ≥23kg for South Asian populations); and 35 kg/m2.
- Pregnant women BMI between ≥ 25 kg/m2 (or ≥ 23 kg for South Asian populations); and 35 kg/m2 at booking.
- Participants must be a resident in Liverpool.